This is a question from Vijaykumar,our student in the etabs course community.
''Beam Centre, Column Centre and External Brick Wall centres are different.
Wall load acts as an eccentric load on to the beams since it is on the edge of the beam.
In this case how this eccentricity is captured or modelled in Etabs?''
First point is that,this is a minor issue.The moment or the torsion induced due to this small load and minor eccentricity is not a huge one.
Second point is that, the beam is rigid and it can be safely assumed that the load is transfered to the CG
Third point is that in most cases the slabs are providing a tie action and is restraining the beams from rotation. Also the presence of slabs allows an alternate load path and hence there is scope for redistribution.This is a compatible torsion case and it is safe to release.
We have explained all about torsion and releasing of torsion in detail in another blog on torsion and you can see it HERE and learn about equilibrium torsion and compatible torsion.
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