In a consulting perspective,you will learn the basics of foundation design.Basic principles of isolated pad foundation,combined footings,Raft,Under reamed piles and long pile foundations are covered.
Analysis of foundations using ETABS is also covered in this course.ETABS features for analysis is similar to that of SAFE

Advanced Analysis & Foundation Design using ETABS
This course covers Advanced Analysis & Foundation Design using ETABS​
All types of Foundations pad,combined footings,Raft & Pile foundations ​
Dynamic Analysis (Response spectrum) is included in this course​
You will design footings manually​
You will leran to cross check the designs​
You will learn to document & detail and produce hand sketches ​
The course makes you job ready with all skillset for interviews

Why Learn Foundation
Foundation Design is a responsibility of a structural engineer. A structural engineer is supposed to know the basics of soil mechanics,How to interpret soil report and design a suitable foundation system. Often, clients expect the structural engineer to solve many of the soil engineering problems.If an excavation needs shoring or soil nailing or can it self stand. Every time it may not be possible to get back to the soil consultant.
This course gives you a comprehensive knowledge in foundation design.All tyoes of foundation systems including piles,under reamed piles,Rafts are covered. Some types of foundations are manually designed and some using ETABS.
SAFE is also a popular software for Foundation analysis.SAFE is another CSI software similar to ETABS. Only difference being that SAFE is more customised to suit foundations and slabs. However both are very similar and ETABS itself can be used for foundation design. Most SAFE features are now available in ETABS itself and there is no need to separately learn SAFE
In addition to this dynamic analysis & Ductile detailing is also covered in this course. In dynamic analysis Response spectrum is covered. Ductile detailing as per IS 13920 is covered.

What you'll receive
What you'll develop
Building Foundation Design
Instant & 24x7 Access

Complete concept & Design
Be Confident & Indpendent

Flexible Learning
Learn Anywhere, Anytime, Any device

Software Skills
Use Softwares professionally

Certificate on real projects

Build a Portfolio
Showcase your projects and design brief

1 to 1 Consultants Support
Clear your doubts directly by a consultant

Consulting Career
Grab the best jobs by impressing in interviews
Modes of Training
This training can be taken in Direct mode or Online mode
The online self paced mode has different payment plans with same content but with different access duration and with different modes of doubt clariffication.

Online Training
24x7 from Comfort of Home
Clarification on mail & zoom. Up to 5 projects for practice.
Flexible plans
As good as DIRECT Classes

Direct Training
Learn directly from experts
Clarification even after courses
Upt o 5 Projects for practice
Flexible plans
Repeat classes in new batches
Get free online access
Super structure & BIM courses
The foundation design course is a continuation of the superstructure courses in ETABS. The superstructure analysis and design is available in STAAD Pro aswell
The detailing of the structural members can be done in the AutoCAD course.In addition to these courses,BIM using Revit is extremely popular and we have 2 courses in Revit. One focuses Revit structures where more emphasis is given to structural detailing and Revit Architecture that focus more of Architectural nodelling and drawings.